Wednesday, February 28, 2007

More Pictures

Yes, I know, I took 6 days of vacation and only posted once! Pathetic indeed.
I'll repent by posting a few more pictures. Post note: I'm done with picassa!!! i had to fix this post about 5 times!!! Enjoy it!

The park had this HUGE activity barn that would have been so much fun, had it been opened. As it was, we had to settle for this single activity attraction. The instructions tell you to stand with the outside of your right foot flush with the wall, then place your right cheek against the wall (eewwww!! :P but i tried it anyway). Then you were to try, just TRY to lift your left foot off the ground. Sure enough, it wouldn't come up. I felt kind of foolish as I thought about the possible populations this activity was targeting in its day... interesting perspectives the South has to offer.
Here's a close up of some Ivy. There were so many cool photo ops.. just what I asked for! :D

Even in the wintery month of February, there was more green in Georgia than is even possible in Utah. Especially with our SNOWSTORMS of the week. Here's a shot of the trees with ivy growing all the way up the trunk. Beautiful!

This picture should give you a better perspective on just how big this stone mountain is. I took this one about half way up the grassy area the other one was taken about halfway again closer than this one. Kinda cool, huh? I'm a little more inspired to get to Mount Rushmore now. :)

1 comment:

Austin Stevenson Owens said...

Oooooh, take me with you to Rushmore!!! :D My heart is with you--things are nuts! Just nuts! :) But it'll all be okay. I wish you were here so I could share some alfredo... :)


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